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NatHaz Gust-Front Factor (GFF)

The purpose of this website is to introduce A New Gust-Front Factor Framework to quantify the load effects on structures caused by gust-front winds and to provide user with a web-based on-line analysis framework of Gust-front Factor approach, based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant CMMI 03-24331

The proposed gust-front factor based analysis framework lays the foundation for the analysis of structures under gust-front winds, which is akin to the gust loading factor in conventional winds. It can conveniently tailored for design standards other than ASCE 7. It is anticipated that it would experience further refinements over time similar to the many subsequent developments in the conventional gust loading factor. For immediate design applications, this framework is available in this web-based portal which will offer the flexibility of studying several loading configurations without actually becoming involved with the details of the computations, making it independent of the technical background of the user (Kwon and Kareem 2007).

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Copyright (c) 2007   NatHaz Modeling Laboratory.  All rights reserved.